16 February 2007

Reason #548453

So, aside from the popcorn cart located on the 14th floor of my office (stop it, you know you're jealous), the super cute boys who work with me, and the fact that Christina and I can create our own super cube that blocks out all other cubes, my office is not that great.

This is mostly because the lighting makes me nauseaous and it's the same distance from my apartment to work as it is from one end of the Kalahari desert to the other.

Now, while the lighting can't be fixed (seriously, who likes fluorescent lights!? No one. Who likes work?! No one. See the correlation? I'm not crazy here people.) the trek across the city can. At least for me.

Bask in the glow of Reason #548453 Why My Company Kicks Your Company's Ass: We can work remotely.

That's right.
I work from home.
At the age of 24.

This doesn't mean that i'm hunched over a desk cursing at my laptop... oh no.

This means that I am sitting in my underwear in bed, listening to very loud music, and researching ad placements in various publications here and abroad. When I'm done I plan on making a delicious coma-inducing lunch of farfalle and butter and watching Scrubs.

Have fun trudging to work in the snow and crowds, suckers.


Anonymous said...

I'm 12 years older than you and I have NEVER worked from home. But I do wear only my underwear to work sometimes. The chicks dig it.

SS said...

Jealous. Right here.