Yesterday, Boston was placed on high alert by BPD, the FBI, Homeland Security, and whatever other branch of government there is that doesn't know who Err the Mooninite is.
It was frightening at first - 9 Suspicious Packages found strategically placed on bridges and at hospitals? Packages that have the makings of explosives minus the actual explosive content? That's scary shit and that's all they would tell us. After 9/11, that's not a smart move, is it?
All day, we were shown no images of these suspicious devices. Terms like, "detonated the device" and "neutralized situation" were thrown around. We were given no more information past "potential threats to the city".
That is, until the blogosphere got a hold on some images of one of the devices and figured out what was going on in about 20 minutes.
Basically, the suspicious devices found all over the city were NOT circuit boards wired for bombs, they were advanced, battery operated light brites with a magnetic backing placed in strategic locations around the city... as part of an Adult Swim marketing campaign. Hell, there's even speculation that the Adult Swim logo was on them. Lord knows that as soon as anyone between the ages of 18 and 30 saw one, we knew that the threat to the city, was in fact, Err the Mooninite giving us all the finger.
Not only that, but according to Tuner Broadcasting, the parent company that will be held ultimately responsible for this "hoax", these devices have also been placed in 10 major cities including: New York, San Francisco, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Chicago, etc.
So hilarious I almost peed my pants laughing.
How stupid is this city and how blown out of proportion was this?!? It boggles my mind that most people are proud of the way the city reacted to this crisis and want to see Turner brought up on federal charges.
I want to see the people responsible for keeping our city safe really think about how they reacted yesterday.
Not enough was done to assuage the public fears; instead we were fed with Post 9/11 key words. Perhaps worse, they didn't fully examine the "devices" or the internet leads that were flooding in BEFORE the city was brought to a standstill.
Only in Boston could we mistake guerilla marketing for a terrorist threat and then blame the marketing company for installing them... 2 weeks ago.
Bost-OWNED indeed.
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