13 February 2007

Note to self: Don't go into Marketing.

This note, of course, would be more effective were it 1997 and not 2007.

Why the sudden change of heart regarding career path, you might wonder? Well, aside from the hideously long hours, pathetically adequate pay, lack of positive world impact, and thankless efforts, I apparently now have to worry about being bound to a chair with duct tape and shot to death by a crazy person.

Seriously, people. I know that they weren't finding a cure for cancer and they probably were, in fact, not the best people (most marketing execs aren't - don't believe me? Rent Dogma.) but come on - does anyone really deserve to bite it in a conference room?

Side note: It figures that the only person to talk to the press was an art director. Seriously. Figures.

1 comment:

craziasian said...

That shooting happened like ten minutes away from me.

Also, I help cure cancer.

I was all over this post.