09 April 2007

I really need to have more faith in Connecticut's ability to suck.

It's a well known fact that I hate the state of Connecticut.

The majority* of it's residents (both current and past) are stuck-up pricks with an undeserved air of superiority and entitlement surrounding them; the colleges and universities located in the state feed and feed off of this complex, creating living proof that a symbiotic relationship is not always a favorable one.

I can now add this to my list of reasons Connecticut should drop into the Atlantic; basically, instead of spending time and state funds on something important like, oh, I don't know, education or healthcare, Connecticut state representatives are instead wasting resources on making a song entitled 'Connecticut Fun' the official state punk rock song. The song, according to the Hartford Advocate is, "unabashedly pro-Connecticut, with lyrics imploring listeners to come out and enjoy punk music in the state."

Seriously, Connecticut? Seriously? You lose at life.

* Just an FYI, I don't hate EVERYONE from this abysmal shitbox of a state. I have family and friends who have, at one time or another, resided in Connecticut.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seriously, one night Mike and I are just going to show up and kidnap you and take you to hang out at Rudy's. But I will totally blindfold you so you won't even know you are in New Haven. And then like halfway through the night after you are having the best time of your life I am going to be like, "You're in Connecticut, sucka!!!!!!!"