28 August 2006

Why I Want to Move - Reason #28058453


This morning my alarm went off at 5:30 am. I woke up but didn't move from the bed. Fleeting and vivid visions of imminent danger kept playing behind my eyes; and, because there's no way I'm going against my seldomly incorrect intuition regardless of how much I want to go to the gym, walking down the dark and deserted street by myself is not happening.

Cut to 7:45 am - I'm getting ready and drying my hair when I hear heavy footsteps in the hallway. This spooks me a bit seeing as my upstairs neighbor usually isn't making a noise until at least midnight. I shrug it off though, assuming that maybe vampires can go outside in the sunlight every once in awhile.

15 minutes later I open the front door of the house to a scene straight out of Law & Order. There are at least 5 marked and 2 unmarked police cars lining my street, each pointed in a different haphazard direction. 4 or 5 officers are outside taking statements and speaking with people about an incident. A few of them keep glancing up at the apartment building on the corner. No one is available to field my questions or placate my concerns.

Too preoccupied with my morning to work, I im'ed roommate to see if she noticed anything weird. She mentioned also waking up at around 5:30 but attributes it to a bizarre dream.

I'm not buying that we would both be uneasy at the same time for unrelated reasons... so I call up the good ole' Boston Police Department. I am told that there was a break-in on my street - the other side though, the side that is across 4 lanes of traffic.

No dice, officer. This was something else.

1 comment:

craziasian said...

damnit next time you move from blogger to lj to blogger to lj back to blogger, PLEASE TELL ME WOMAN.