25 August 2006

...and no red swingline stapler to be found

Everyone has that creepy person in their office. I know its true because Dane Cook says so and Dane Cook never lies.

This creepy person is usually a little bit off-center, maybe a close talker, always socially awkward. The creepy person in my corner of cubicle hell is all of these things with the added bonus of also being a snappy dresser.

By snappy I mean he wears tee shirts with wolves howling at the aurora borealis. And tight black jeans that look like they would be more at home on a member of White Snake.

Here's the thing about my snappily dressed creepy co-worker that most don't have - he hasn't evolved from his days as the creepy kid in high school. You know the one. You were sort of nice to the kid because he looked like he was hiding a glock in his locker and when the shooting spree came you didn't want to be on the list.

(Secretly, I'm worried that he's still got that gun hidden in his desk.)

What I want to know is, how does a socially awkward, scary kid like this get hired? What manager interviewed him and thought to himself, this is the best candidate for the job? I look at all creepy coworkers and question the sanity of employers.

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