06 November 2007

Turning Japanese? (I wish.)

This Friday I will officially be a quarter of a century old (25 years of age for all of you slow coaches out there). This monumentally frightening birthday has prompted me to scrutinize my appearance in a way I never knew possible every time I pass a reflective surface. Yesterday afternoon, after a particularly exhausting day of work, I happened to catch a glimpse of myself in the elevator doors and gasped at what I saw.

Good lord, I looked positively haggard! ...and was that the start of a wrinkle near my eye?

This freak out prompted me to take a trip to the drugstore last night and practically buy its entire stock of anti-aging creams. I shit you not.

I have eye creams (plural).
I have day time cream.
I have night time cream.

You'd think this would be enough but nope. Later on this evening I will be heading to Sephora to pick up an A-List anti-aging arsenal.... because really, it's got to be better if it costs an arm and a leg right?

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