30 November 2007

This Christmas.

No, this post unfortunately does not pertain to the song... or the new holiday movie starring Chris Brown that's currently sweeping the nation.

Among other things that my brother did at Thanksgiving, including biting my arm to hoard the mashed potatoes, he also invited our family (me, Super Mom, Dad) down to Philadelphia to spend Christmas with him and his girlfriend. This was met with mixed results but we decided, hey, we'll go. After all, tis the season and all that crap.

WELL. As if going to a strange city (I've been to Philadelphia maybe 3 times in my life) and spending the holiday in a hotel 200 miles away from Kingston and my best friends wasn't enough, I've just found out that I will be spending this time with a family of strangers.

His girlfriend's family of strangers to be exact. These are people that I have NEVER so much as spoken to in my entire life. Now, if you know me, you know that I'm pretty outgoing and can be pretty go with the flow... but seriously guys? Leaving my hometown and my friends that I never see was already bad enough. A holiday with a strange family in a strange house in a strange city isn't a holiday.

It's hell.


Anonymous said...

Every time I see a preview for that movie I think, this is something Linds and I would DVR and watch repeatedly whilst drunk at 3 AM.

craziasian said...

philly is not a strange place. just don't look anyone in the eyes. because they might shoot you. or suck your toes.

it is only sort of a joke.