As in, I was in line to receive my diploma from Professor Berkovitz and my mobile was ringing off the hook with a summer work study student asking for my money, you know, now that I was an alumni and all. I politely told Little Miss No Tact that I was, in fact, not an alumni because I was still waiting in line to receive my diploma and that even if I had, you know, walked across the stage already I was still not going to give her any cash - my donations would be starting in 6 months in the form of massive student loans, checks payable to Boston University thankyouverymuch.
Of course, this hasn't stopped them from trying. Just today I recieved the below charming gem from a recent COM grad who seems to have taken a note out of the SMG book and sold his soul for a little cash.
From: "Boston University"
To: "Boston University Alumni"
Subject: A Message from a BU Student
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2007 14:31:15 -0400 (EDT)

Excitement. Discoveries. Opportunities. My four years at Boston University were filled with these and much more. At BU, I grew from a shaky adolescent, unsure of what I wanted, into an informed adult ready to take on the world.
Many of the technological improvements, extracurricular activities, and educational opportunities that enriched my BU experience were made possible by contributions from generous alumni. Because of this, I decided to make my first contribution to BU, through the Class of 2007 Gift Program. Combined with the gifts of my classmates, my seemingly small donation will do much to improve my school. I see it as the start of me giving back to the place that has given me so much.
As a student supervisor in the Telefund office, I've called thousands of alumni and understand the various reasons people have for not giving, but I've also seen firsthand how current students have benefited from alumni support. I am writing to you now no longer as a student, but as a new member of the alumni community, and I want to encourage you to join me in giving back to BU. Even a small gift can go a long way.
Thank you for your support,

Brian Anthony Pitre
COM’ 07

Boston University Annual Giving| Boston, MA
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