This has been a very interesting holiday season for me. For one, as you all know from my "This Christmas" post, I am being banished to a Residence Inn in a suburb of Philadelphia for Christmas. This trip sucks a little more each day and if you want to know more, tough shit, I don't want to talk about.
For two, this is the first Christmas season that I have found myself becoming an increasingly devout member of the Church. The Church of Marc by Marc Jacobs. Seriously guys, I love everything Marc by Marc Jacobs that I see to the point that I'm actually purchasing things and not simply salivating over them.

True, to date I have only bought one item. But what a gateway drug they've turned out to be (similar to the whole, "life after death, all your sins are forgiven" hoopla). I mean, just look at them! They're turquoise patent leather and chocolate ribbon, they're flat, and they're fabulous. Oh right, and they're comfortable enough for me to wear whenever I want.... like if I'm running around the East Village on a bar crawl Saturday night and need to run boring errands Sunday and want to feel a little bit fancy.
(thanks to Mindy Kaling for the tip. You know, just in case she ever reads this thing. Which she doesn't. Because she's famous and has better things to do.)Like all good gateway drugs do, these shoes have given me a taste of something new. Something new and sassy and altogether fabulous... and expensive.

That's right, after the shoes arrived (one day after ordering, I might add) I started shopping around for other Marc by Marc Jacobs items. First on, the original instigator, where I found a really amazing handbag that is large enough for all my important work stuff (shoes, wallet, iPod, cell phone, scarf, hat, brush, lipgloss, spare underwear and contact case in case I don't go home that night... alright, you've got me, I don't ever carry anything important to and from work) and also cute enough for all of my important nights out (during which it will hold exactly the same items listed as 'important work stuff'). Unfortunately, I can't afford this little beauty just yet seeing as it costs $451.00 and I have yet to acquire the Midas touch (King Midas that is, not the car repair Midas).
The last thing that I've found that I absolutely must have isn't even located at it's at Bloomingdales and would only ever fit in the biggest of the Big Brown Bags.

Seriously, how gorgeous is this coat? And how unaffordable at over $500. Thankfully I think I might be getting it as a Christmas present/peace offering from my parents for two reasons:
1) being so go with the flow about heading to Philadelphia for the holidays
2) all my winter coats make me look like a member of the chorus from Oliver Twist, complete with holes, missing buttons, and sizing issues.
I bought myself 2 handbags for turning 1/4 of a century this year. One was a Marc by Marc Jacobs wristlet and I love love love it. All of his bags are amazing, actually.
Have you walked into Anthropologie lately? I want EVERYTHING. I think I will buy something nice in MA, tax-free.
I went to Anthropologie the other day with Bri and wanted to buy everything as well! Too bad I could only afford a little bitty candle.
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