26 March 2007
24 March 2007
Materialistic Yearnings
2) Marry for money, not love.
Now, I like to think that numero uno is her version of that famous Eleanor Roosevelt quote about inferiority complexes vs. the belief that one person is better than another.
Number two though? That's pretty cut and dry.
Unfortunately for Nana--fortunately for me-- I am not one of those women. If anything, I am the exact opposite. I don't ever wait for or expect Most Attentive to pay for me on dates (we usually split the bill or take turns paying) and I find the overwhelming majority of people who come from money to be disgusting human beings (see 'Another Reason to Hate CT' for more).
On the real tip though? Sometimes I wish that I was one of those golddiggin' whores that Kanye West and Jamie Foxx sing about; then I could trap me a rich old man and have him buy me pretty things...

Goddamn me and my moral convictions.
23 March 2007
GodTube - Broadcast Him
Well, now there's a website for all you good Christians (ahem, like myself!) to share video footage of all the new, interesting, fun, and HOLY ways you praise his name. The site? GodTube.com.
The best video on the site has to be the one that totally proves, without a doubt, that evolution is totally not where its at. Creationism is flawless you guys. Don't believe me --check it out for yourselves:
21 March 2007
Worst Week Ever
Monday, March 19
Most Attentive leaves for the ATL for the week. Then my permanent retainer (see image) breaks

The orthodontia break also serves as a reminder that I haven't been to the dentist in quite some time (quite some time for me is about 3 years too long). So, I make a dentist appointment for the same day. The outcome of 3 years of not taking care of my oral hygeine? A zillion cavities and a referral to an oral surgeon for a mandatory wisdom tooth extraction.
Topping it all off? Snow. I know what you're thinking - you live in Boston, get used to it.
Why don't you get used to freezing your tits off only a day after frolicking in 70 degree weather and then get back to me, ok? Yea, fuck you.
Tuesday, March 20
Orthodontist appointment at 10:00am. While my new doctor is infinitely better than my old orthodontist Dr. Rana (hi and fuck you, Dr. Rana!!) she's still no Mother Teresa when it comes to oral care.
I firmly believe that you have to have a screw loose upstairs to become an orthodontist. Seriously - $110 to have a torture device RE-BONDED to my bottom teeth by a sadist? Why not just complete the job and whip me or something?
Dental cleaning at 2:00pm. Not to be confused with the appointment on Monday; this is the one where they actual take the Instruments of Death and scrape the shit out of your teeth and gums. No matter how gentle the hygenist is, it's not gentle enough. At the same time I'm getting my teeth cleaned Most Attentive calls and leaves me a voicemail requesting a call back by 5:00pm. I call back, expecting something marginal, and am instead greeted with a "Hi, Linds, I just had an appendectomy."
Now, if you don't know me personally, there's no way you could know that I overreact about EVERYTHING. Have a hangnail? I'll get nervous about infection. Need emergency surgery? I hyperventilate.
Wednesday, March 21
Somehow through all the worrying I didn't get any sleep - shocker, I know. When I don't get any sleep it is a very distinct possibility that I will not be able to get up, even with my alarm screaming bloody murder. So - I overslept and rolled into the office building at 9:30 this morning. I will admit, I was pretty pleased with myself that I made it to work before 10:00am.
Little did I know the Mother of Bad Things was about to happen; on my way up to work I got caught in an elevator. This isn't really a big deal to alot of people - it's more of an inconvenience. To me? It's a nightmare realized.
I hate elevators. I hate everything about them. I have a fear of being stuck in an elevator and having it fall to the ground thus resulting in my own horrific demise. I also have an active imagination. Put those two together and you have a panic attack in an elevator. At 9:30am.
Awesome week so far, don't ya think?
19 March 2007
Music Review Monday

Artist: The Shins
Album: Wincing the Night Away
6 words: Lush soundscapes without compromise. Thumbs up.
Show Review, Boston Orpheum: Amazing. 'New Slang' was haunting.
**N.B.: I know that by adding a Show Review I am violating the 6-word rule of Music Review Monday but, since it's my rule, I can break it. Deal.**
14 March 2007
"3.14159! Cosine, secant, tangent, sine!"
I know. Believe me, I know. I don't get it either. But, if we BU alums are allowed to have Dan Goldin Day then the math freaks of the world shoud be allowed to have Pi Day.
If you have a one of these math-lovin' weirdos in your life (I have several --including my dad and Most Attentive) Wikihow has a few things you can do to help them celebrate their different-ness and let them know it's ok love a number in an un-natural way.
And, if you really love your math geek, you can start planning a trip to the math & science super genius mecca - also known as MIT - for next year's Pi Day.

In the meantime however, please feel free to satiate your nerd's need for mathy fun by playing him/her the Pi Song: The Remix by The Derivatives (set to 867-5309/Jenny by Tommy Tutone).
12 March 2007
Music Review Monday

Album: Been to the Future
Artist: Joey Eppard
6 Words: Amazing guitarist. Amazing vocal range. Recommended.
08 March 2007
I'm Vegetarian, Not Vegan.
"Free Room to Lactating Person
Really, Dana? Really?We are offering a free room for a woman who is willing to provide breast milk for consumption to the household. We are an otherwise vegan house but have recently read A.O. Wilson's study of the benefits of human breast milk to all human beings of any age. This is not sexual. Neither appearance nor sexual preference are of any concern to us.
We are willing to accept one child into the house as well. We do not want to take breast milk away from a nursing child however. We also don't need gallons of breast milk but whatever you can muster; it is a nutritional supplement for members of the house who want to partake.
The room is 10'x 15' in a sunny house in Berkeley. There are 7 other people in the house and we live largely communally - shared food and house supplies. You must still pay for food, only rent is free. Reply to this posting and we will set up a time. Contact Dana."
You want a lactating woman to move in with you so that you can drink her breast milk all because you read a "study" by some treehugger?
Are you going to cease/upgrade your soy intake for fear of your sexuality (hey, however you swing is your deal) after you read this article by Jim Rutz, Founder/Chairman of Open Church Ministries?