19 September 2006

There are days when I, much like every other American worker on the planet, hate coming into work. I'm tired, I'm sluggish, and goddamnit if I don't wish I could stay in bed all day eating leftover domino's and watching 10 Things I Hate About You. These are the things that make me human.

Unfortunately, along with my humanity comes my sense of responsibility - professionalism, if you will. So, regardless of how much I hate to do it, I drag my skinny butt out of bed and into the shower.

Today was one of those days... until now. You see, I've just found out that my KICK-ASS company has been keeping butter flavored secrets from me on the 14th floor. That's right, free popcorn. And not crappy free microwave popcorn. No sir. Free, fresh, movie theater popcorn. From a cart.

my work has one of these

My office now officially kicks your office's ass.

1 comment:

Tom said...

No way man. My office has free carbonated beverages. Coke, Diet Coke, Giner Ale, Carbonated water, in addition to orange juice, grape juice, and Nestea. Also free coffee and hot chocolate from some automated thing I'm afrai to use. It looks like it would explode.

Totally beats popcorn that gets stuck in your teeth.