I blame the cinema and boyfriend - they're like a Lindsay-stealing tag team of entertainment and fun that keeps me away from my keyboard. And, while I can't do a 'Worst and Best Of...' for boyfriend, I can do a 'Worst and Best of...' for movies I've seen this month.

28 Days Later had a very clear plot line, characters I cared about, and, most of all, it had a very human vein running right down it's center. Yes, there was gore, but it was warranted to some extent.
28 Weeks Later had only one of the above elements and I'm sure you can guess which one. Did you guess gore? If you did it means you're not retarded.
This is an unnecessary and graphic gore-fest of a movie (for real. There was one scene that was so disgusting someone in the back of our theatre puked) with plot holes so large I could fly the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner through them.
Just like 28 Days Later we were left with questions --except this time they weren't philisophically based, they were psychologically based. As in, "Why in the world did Danny Boyle allow this to happen to his franchise?"

Done by the same camp that brought us Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz is a great comedy that continuously pokes fun at all of those Bad Boys/Fast and the Furious type movies out there. You know the ones - your boyfriend drags you to them as revenge for forcing him to sit through the vocal stylings of Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore in Music & Lyrics the week before.
Anyways, if you like British comedy - dry, wry, and self-depricating - you'll love this movie. Honestly, I never laugh out loud at films and this one had me rolling in the aisles. The pairing of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost worked in Shaun and it works again in Hot Fuzz. God, I just love it so much I wish they'd get married or something.
Bonus points for the cameos by Martin Freeman (Tim in The Office and Arthur in Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy) and Bill Nighy (Billy Mack in Love, Actually and Shaun's stepfather in Shaun of the Dead).
Mega bonus points for incorporating "...by the power of Grayskull" into the script multiple times.