03 January 2008

My God, Jim Rutz is crazy. And crazy makes for some great blogging.

an excerpt from the 10 Things I Don't Understand "editorial" written by Mr. Rutz and published this past year on his bastion of impartial news, WorldNetDaily:

"9. Why haven't academics discovered that the world is very rapidly becoming all-Christian?

Again in "Megashift," I've done the math. Jesus is winning, Muhammad is losing (along with atheism, Buddhism and Hinduism). Although straight-line projections NEVER go in a straight line, the entire population of the world would be born-again Christians, under current trends, by 2032. Isn't that worth a line in the newspapers somewhere?"

What a fucking wack-a-doo.

Click the link above to read the other things he doesn't get - like evolution ("It takes a monumental leap of dopey faith to get from protozoa to fish to Jessica Alba") and why the world doesn't find resurrections from the dead newsworthy.

You'll pee your pants laughing.

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